If you are using a computer other than your own, DO NOT FORGET to disconnect your drive once you are finished. Enter your username in the following format: IAS\

When prompted, enter your username and passphrase.Select the Connect using different credentials checkbox.(Optional) To connect every time you log on to your PC, select the Reconnect at sign-in checkbox.Remember that you will only be able to connect to folders that your account has the appropriate rights to access.
When you map a network drive, it will show up as a new drive under This PC in File Explorer, so you can quickly access the shared files you need, just like you would your local hard drive. Please refer to the File Storage page for a list of available addresses. Why do I need to map a network drive You can easily create a shortcut to another drive or folder shared on your network by mapping that location. Note: These addresses are only for connecting to your personal network drive (I: drive), if you wish to connect to a different location you will need to use a different folder address. If you are Staff or a Faculty member, enter \\itgfs.ad.ias.edu\usrfiles\ username.If you are a Member or Visitor, enter \\itgfs.ad.ias.edu\users\ username.In the Folder box, type the path of the folder or computer.(It is recommended that you choose the drive letter that corresponds with the selected network drive.)