
Ockham summa logicae analysis
Ockham summa logicae analysis

Lambertini 2011) and on his accurate knowledge of the technical rules of the ‘consequences’, a branch of logical analysis that spread in Europe starting from the early 14th century (Mozzillo-Howell 1998 2012).

ockham summa logicae analysis

functional words such as ‘all’ ‘none’ ‘only’ ‘nothing except’ cf. In particular, I have focused on Dante’s acquaintance with some relevant properties of the so-called ‘syncategorematic’ terms (i.e. The essay deals with some of the most representative and exemplary passages of the treatise without going into specifics and relying in good part on the existing literature on the subject. The goal of this essay is not just to illustrate Dante’s familiarity with the more cutting-edge trends in logic from the 13th and the early 14th centuries, but also to promote further discussion about how logic and scientific methodology contribute to create a specific kind of authorship in the context of the Monarchia. It shares some preliminary results of the doctoral research about ‘The logical terminology of Dante Alighieri’s Monarchia’ that I am carrying out at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Milan (2018-2021), and that I was able to further develop as a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Italian of Columbia University (2019-2020) thanks to the generous support of the Associazione Amici di Claudio Demattè. The following presentation was prepared on the occasion of the seminar ‘A morning on Dante and Logic’ held on February 28, 2020, upon the supportive and creative initiative of Professor Teodolinda Barolini.

ockham summa logicae analysis

Intemptatas ab aliis ostendere veritates”:ĭante’s use of logic in the Monarchia Stefano Pelizzari, University of Milan (2020)

Ockham summa logicae analysis