
Soldatenlieder und parad
Soldatenlieder und parad

Only for six seconds, though then Richard Gilbert, rose up, and quietly, and, as a matter of course, i offered his seat to the young lady. Every seat was filled, no one seemed disposed to dispossess themselves, even for the accommodation of youth' and beauty. She stood there, laden with bundles, bandbokes, and reticules, and holding a little blinking spaniel by a string. She stood there in the doorway, faltering, frightened, irresolute, a very picture-the color coming and going in the youthful, sensitive face, the luminous brown' eyes glancing like the eyes of a startled bird. She was tall, she was slim, she was dark, she had ^ long loose, curly black hair, falling to her waist, and two big, bright, black, Canadian eyes, as lovely eyes as the wide earth holds. Gilbert thought, in that first moment, he had ever seen. The new passenger was a young lady, and the young lady was the prettiest young lady, Mr. Richard Gilbert saw in the doorway a new passenger.

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For the door opened, a howl of March wind, a rush of March rain whirled in, and lifting his eyes, Mr. He turned to the leading article, read three lines, and never finished it from that day to this. Gilbert, congratulating himself inwardly on having secured a seat by the stove, opened the damp Montreal True Witness, and settled himself comfortably to read. The sharp sleet lashed the glass, people shivered in multitudinous wraps,'lifted purple noses, over- twisted woolen clouds and looked forlorn and miserable. The month was March, the morning snowy and blowy, slushy and sleety, as it is in the nature of Canadian March mornings to be. A crusty old farmer held the upper half, and moved grumpily toward the window, under protest, as Mr. Richard Gilbert, lawyer, of New York, entering five minutes before starting time, found just one seat unoccupied near the door. HE early express train from Montreal to Port- land, Maine, was crowded. 379 FOR BETTER FOR WORSE.393 NORINE'S REVENGE. 215 XXII.-"The way of the Transgressor is hard. 2" XXI.-"The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.

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185 XIX.-"Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad ". 159 XVI.-"His name is Laurence Thorndyke ':'. TROW & SON, PRINTERS, 205-213 EAST 12TH ST., NEW VOKR1, ' ' CONTENTS.

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Price $1.75 each, and sentfree by mail, on receipt of price, by G. Their delineations of character, life-like conversations, flashes of wit, con- stantly varying scenes, and deeply in- teresting plots, combine to place their author in the very first rank of Modem Novelists." All published uniform with this volume. Fleming's stories are growing more and more popu- lar every day. ĭigital Library Program, Indiana University.

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