
Daily reflection
Daily reflection

In the meantime, teach us practical ways to be peacemakers where we are today. Lord Jesus, come quickly to bring your peace for­ever. Nothing would be impossible. 'I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it would move.

#Daily reflection how to

Where do you see a lack of peace in the community you are a part of, and what can you do to sow some peace there? Do you already know how to do that? Whom could you learn from? Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling 'You don’t have enough faith,' Jesus told them. There is a solution and that is loving-kindness and open-heartedness. But we can learn a lot from such communities, and we can be peacemakers in the world at large. So to do the deep feelings of shame and isolation children face every day in school. You are not subscribed to the Daily Reflection. Go ePriests FREE Daily Reflection inspiring meditations right into your inbox (see todays reflection for an example). Sometimes our calling and our God-given responsibilities in this world prevent us from creating a community where we can live mainly with ­others who share our desire for peace. Subscribe to the ePriest Daily Reflection. And some examples today include Christians living in “intentional communities” together. The Holy Spirit built a community of peace among the early Christians (see Acts 2:42-47 4:32-37). We can even build little communities of it for a time.

daily reflection

Peace is an existence we dream of, which Jesus promised to bring us.

daily reflection

Where there is righteousness, people treat each other with love, patience, and all other virtues. Peace even grows righteousness, which brings flourishing and justice for all. Formatted as forty daily readings, each volume also includes opportunities for further engagement such as a journaling prompts, reflection questions, a written. Peace is an existence full of well-being, in which our ­bodies, our relationships, our environment, and even our governments and economies are healthy. Peace involves people and systems working in harmony together. Petersburg is providing a daily Scripture reflection to help you live this mission. Peace is so much more than an absence of conflict.

Daily reflection